November 13, 2018

Falling Behind on Word Count and Time

Have you ever been running to catch something or get somewhere?

For instance, say you were running to the bus stop and you know that a bus will arrive in exactly one minute.

So you pound down the sidewalk with the hopes that you'll catch this one and not have to wait for the next one (this point is key, there will be another bus, this one is just more convenient time-wise).

You're running and then your energy starts flagging and so you're jogging.

A few moments later you've slowed down even more and your half-heartedly skipping, then you deteriorate to just fast walking then to your normal pace and you wave a hand in the air, accepting that whatever happens was meant to be and you're indifferent if you'll make it this time.

That's how my writing has felt this month.

Granted we're "early" into the month, not halfway through, yet. Still, I want to tell this story and I keep running to get to that bus, but I'm not making it in time. If the bus is the completion of this novel, then I'm watching it drive further down the road.

It is day 13 and my current word count is 11,454 and the word count I'm supposed to be at is 21,666

I'll get there. It's just taking some time.

Side note: I could really go for some eggnog right now. I'm not sure why but I'm having this craving for that drink which is only to be found and drunk in December.

What bus have you missed? (Could be metaphorical, could be literal)

P.S. How do you like the look of my blog? Should I change it back or does this work for y'all?

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