Do you know that feeling when your head is pounding so hard you can't see straight or every step is like going from the oven to the freezer?
Currently my state of body and if you are feeling unwell then I empathize with you. It's tough when you live on your own, because you have to take care of yourself and really take the time to think (even if it feels like your thoughts are in a blender). Taking care of your health is one of the most important things that you can do. It starts with prevention.
Days before I felt this poorly, I must have come into contact with a viral infection. The thing is these infections will incubate inside your body for several days and you won't even know until the symptoms hit.
First rule and the one that saved many lives in the past centuries: washing your hands. It's important. We come into contact with so many germs that scrubbing our hands which come into contact with our mouth, eyes...and really our entire body, can really make a difference.
After that, eat healthy. If you want a strong immune system, then you need to maintain a healthy diet that provides you with all the nutrients necessary to keep your antibodies active and fighting back.
Sleep is also very important. Sleep is the time for your body to rest and recharge. We need sleep just as much as we need food and water to survive.
That's the next thing, stay hydrated. When you're burning up and sweating out the liquid of your body, you really need to get more liquid into your body. If you're in the throws of the illness, then sports drinks like Powerade and Gatorade can help you by replenishing your body with electrolytes and fluid. (Fun Fact: did you know that if you are well hydrated gatorade tastes salty? Apparently when you are dehydrated it should taste sweet. Think about that the next time you have a bottle.)
So how did I succumb?
Good old stress, unhealthy eating habits and very little sleep. Yes, I really should take care of myself better, so take a lesson from this and I hope that you have a healthy season without the nasty side effects!
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