May 1, 2018

A Funny Flash of Nonfiction

It's exam week and I thought I'd post something light and funny. Everyone needs a laugh, see the
previous week's post for more, but I love laughing even if it's for a moment.

Flash Piece - "I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth" (This is a true story)

Cleaning Out Nana’s Condo

Unearthing treasures and long forgotten artifacts of the past is a byproduct of cleaning out a house
or, in this case, a condo.

Among the gifts to the almighty dumpster included,

  • A yellowed wedding dress
  • Sewing materials from a bygone age of crafting
  • A bookcase, disassembled piece by piece, and dragged unceremoniously, before thrown with ardor into that bin of unwanted things

A hoarder of items, Nana keeps the phrase “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” alive.
For in the bowels of that home, among the dark and damp, was a fifteen year old jar
of unopened peanut butter.

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