July 31, 2018

Hours Upon Hours (the sweet taste of completion)

I'm so excited! 4 days. FOUR days! Then I have my first ever book signing. I am nervous and jumping and just so grateful for this. Saturday August 4 will live on in my history and it will just be so amazing to be in Barnes and Noble as an author!

Today is also the last day of July.
July 31, which means that across the world, there are writers scrambling to finish up word counts and hours and other goals because CampNano ends when the clock strikes twelve and we enter August.

But as of yesterday, I can announce that I am a....

30 hours, that was my goal for the month. Thirty hours dedicated to writing and I did it. Even with all the travel and being in England, even though there were days that my mind was mush, it's done.

I really appreciate Nanowrimo, especially the Camp, because it acts as external motivation and it is fun. Writers from all over the world come together. My cabin this year had some people from all across the states and I think in Europe, sometimes writers like to be poetic or secretive about their locations and you end up with someone saying they're "somewhere in an urban area," (that's actually what my profile says and usually it's true).

If you were to explain your location, what would you write? Would it be something vague (on Earth in the 21st century) or something specific (trapped under a log in Arkansas, please help)? Funny or serious?

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