I'm not sure if I mentioned it here, but NC State acquired my book for D.H. Hill. It wasn't a difficult task and now my book is listed among the stacks. However, prior to December 5, it was being processed and was unavailable to checkout.
On December 5, I found out from a writing buddy, Joshua, that it was listed as available - except he couldn't find it when he went searching in the stacks. He went earlier to check it out, so by the time the English Club meeting rolled around, he told me and I decided to search for it after the meeting.
Well, it turned into an expedition with half of the English Club hiking over to the library.
We rode the elevator, cramped quarters when there are six people riding together, and got off at the eighth floor. Since Joshua had explored earlier in the day, we let him guide us to the right section.
And it wasn't there!
We scanned the shelves and checked the numbers, but we couldn't find it. Alas, there were some books in German that a few of the club members perused in earnest, but no Island Whispers.
We decided to take the stairs down, so after winding through the stacks, I decided to scan one last shelf on a whim.
In the library there are these shelves where unsorted books rest and there we found it! One copy of Island Whispers, still new and unopened, sitting next to books about microbiology and the mafia.
We skipped down eight flights of stairs and Joshua became the first person to check it out from the library. What a memorable evening!
Good times! Little moments like those can pack a surprising amount of meaning into them.